A Unique Balloon Tallinn at Estonia
By Kasturi On 23 Sep, 2014 At 01:49 PM | Categorized As Buzz in Town, Far-Out, International | With 0 Comments

In the capital and largest city of Estonia a unique tourist attraction has been launched this year. A one of its kind, Balloon Tallinn will continue to fly throughout 2014. Launched in June, it’s a helium filled balloon that is anchored to the ground and can easily accommodate 20-30 passengers at a time. It allows passengers to enjoy the panoramic view of the 120 meters height- in good weather conditions the visibility is more than 40 km. This is the highest open-air viewpoint in the Tallinn city centre.

Balloon Tallinn is one of the most unique aero attractions in the Nordic Region. Till now it has served 2100 passenger flights during the summer season and will continue operating throughout the year. Summer season record was set at the Tallinn Maritime Days in July, when Balloon Tallinn flew more than 500 passengers a day. The summer season as well as the daily flight schedule of Balloon Tallinn ends on 28th September.

From 29th of September, when the summer season ends the schedule is going to change and it will be possible to take the balloon ride only on weekends from 10AM to 8PM, if the weather allows. The flight schedule is expected to get busier during the holiday season and the festivals, during which time more flights will be added to accommodate the weekdays.

In order to make flying in the winter possible, a special “snow cap” will be placed on the top of the Balloon Tallinn, which prevents snow accumulation at the top of the balloon and helps the snow to glide down.

Being a UNESCO World Heritage The Old Town of Tallinn is one of the most beautiful and well-preserved old towns in whole Europe. But until now there was no equally attractive possibility to observe the entire Old Town and city center from a decent height and distance. Flying with Balloon Tallinn offers Tallinn citizens and tourists an unforgivable experience.

About - With an inherent passion for writing, Kasturi got lost in the mid-way when she thought she could play with numbers. So, today her academics have got little to do with her profession. She may not know the right use of the ‘Oxford comma’ but she sure has flair in writing. A dreamer, a traveller and a music lover, she dreams to go on a backpacking trip across the world with her travel partner, her headphones.

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