You’ve got to agree that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is of primary importance when understanding a new culture. We’re taking you on a trip around 16 countries to understand their quirky, sometimes ridiculous, drinking customs.

1. Kazakhstan

Poison of Choice: Kumis, mare’s milk, traditionally fermented in a jug of horse hide.

Or you could be executed. Ok, we’re kidding but seriously, don’t even think of pouring it down the sink.

2. Turkey

Poison of Choice: Rakı, also called “Lion’s Milk”, an anise-flavored liquor made from twice distilled grape pomice.

Drink it with a splash of water, which makes the clear liquid turn white, and a lot of friends in a long transparent glass. Toast with a clink on the bottom of the glass as opposed to the top and eat some mezze.

3. Colombia

Poison of Choice: Aguardiente, meaning “Fire Water” is anise flavoured liqueur of high alcohol content that will make you dance or destroy without inhibition. We pick dancing!

Gulp it by the shot and let it burn down your insides, there is no other way.

4. Czech Republic

Poison of Choice: Beer, and lots of it. The Czechs pull off one of the best beer vanishing acts!

Maintain direct and very serious eye contact while toasting.

5. Spain

Poison of Choice: Rioja, Cava or any red wine. Sangria is frowned upon by the alcohol Nazis.

There’s never a last drink of the evening, it’s always the ‘penultima’. The ‘ultima’ is the last drink of your life.

Rub the bottom of your glass in a circular motion on the bar and then bang it back down. Keep the tapas handy.

6. Canada

Poison of Choice: Sour Toe cocktail, Moose Milk (rum blended with kahlua and ice cream), Bloody Caesar (Bloody Mary with clam juice), Maple liqueur, Ice Wine

It’s called the Sour Toe Cocktail, make sure your lips touch the toe to be initiated into the (not so) exclusive Sour Toe Cocktail Club, est. 1973. Nine toes have been swallowed so far.

7. Peru

Poison of Choice: Pisco, Beer

Each person, in his turn and in this particular order, does the following:

- Pours a shot of beer
- Passes on the bottle to the next person in the circle
- Drains the glass in one quick shot
- Flicks the remaining froth on the floor
- Passes the glass to the person with the bottle

Never break the circle.

8. Russia

Poison of Choice: Vodka, Vodka, Vodka and Vodka

Never leave an open bottle of Vodka unfinished. Refusing to drink is socially unacceptable behavior, so have a solid religious or health reason ready with attested proof. “Budem Zdorovy” ironically means “let’s stay healthy”.

Empty glasses go under the table.

9. Japan

Poison of Choice: Shōchū, distilled from barley, sweet potatoes and buckwheat or rice, Saké

Pouring your own drink is not acceptable behavior.

10. Portugal

Poison of Choice: Ginjinha, a liqueur made by infusing ginja berries in aguardente with sugar and cinnamon, Portuguese Port.

We’re not sure why they don’t just use a corkscrew!

Use a pair of red hot port tongs to clamp the neck of the bottle. Then, instantly cool the neck with ice and it will literally come off the bottle, cork still in place. Then use a funnel with a cheese cloth and filter to pour it out. You don’t have to do this, but it sure will make you Mr./Ms. FancyPants!

11. China

Poison of Choice: Baijiu, very strong rice and sorghum liquor or milder Huangjiu.

Gānbēi means “drying the cup”, and they take it very literally. Never hold your glass higher than a superior/elder whilst toasting.

12. Holland

Poison of Choice: Jenever, alcohol flavoured with Juniper Berry.

Bend forward from the waist, put mouth to tulip glass and take a generous gulp of Jenever, no hands required. Straighten up like it never happened and chase with beer.

13. Australia

Poison of Choice: Schooners Mate! Beer

Flake on paying when it’s your turn and you’ll be drinking alone next time.

14. Hungary

Poison of Choice: Pálinka, a traditional fruit brandy.

Men pour the wine, it is considered unfeminine for women to do so. If you don’t want to drink anymore, leave your glass half full; an empty glass is instantly refilled.

15. Ukraine

Poison of Choice: Horilka.

If you’re hungover the next morning, cure it with “opokhmelitsya”, some more alcohol. Never serve chilled Horilka; only cheap, inferior quality Horilka is served chilled.

“Budmo!” is followed by ‘Hey!’ Repeat thrice.

16. Sweden

Poison of Choice: Aquavit, alcohol flavoured with spices and herbs, mainly caraway or dill. Chase your aquavit with beer.

You will find more than 9000 Snapvisor (drinking songs) in Stockholm’s Spiritmuseum. Skål is from when the Vikings drank their alcohol out of human skulls.

Never put your glass down before the women if you’re a man and don’t take too long to put your glass down if you’re a woman.

Know of more strange drinking customs, let us know in the comments section!

As the newest member of the content team, Shivangi Rajendran comes from the world of professional dancing. With a passion for travel and a flair for writing, the Masters in Mass Communication is just an added advantage. A gypsy at heart, she doesn’t believe in planning and is always ready to pack her bags and leave.

