Traveler, tourist, solo traveler, travel-crazy couple, offbeat destination lover or a luxury vacation seeker, whatever kind of travel you indulge in, every trip and experience is precious to you. When it comes to your travels in the year 2014, won’t it be fun to trace back and see how many of these were you able to check off your to-do list?

1. Took the very challenging Manali-Leh bike trip

Image Source: Flickr @Prabhu_B_Doss

2. Made your first solo trip

3. In one of the trips, you chose to stay in a hostel

4. Ditched the five star accommodation and stayed with a local

5. Took your parents for a holiday using your hard-earned money!

6. Made good use of long weekends to travel

7. Smartly booked the cheap tickets in one of the promotional offers

Image Source: Naina Madan

8. Planned a holiday on a whim

8. Discovered some delicious local food

9. Took your spouse to your first international vacation after retirement

11. Took a trip to take a break from every front – personal, professional, emotional, social

12. Overstayed a vacation

Image Source: Flickr @Travel_Stock_Photos

13. Overcame your fear of heights by attempting parasailing

14. Had one beach and one mountain holiday

Image Source: Naina Madan

15. Made it to Goa in off-season, made memories and of course, saved cash!

Image Source: Flickr @Karthik_Narayana

16. Took your first international trip

17. Stayed in Rishikesh for two weeks to learn and practice yoga

Image Credit:

18. Invested in some travel accessories – a fancy backpack, portable travel charger, lens for SLR, money belt, luggage scale and the likes

19. Came back with stories and wrote about them on your blog or social media

20. Even with GPS and travel apps, got lost mid-way in a foreign land and came back to tell the tale

21. Made a trip to a wildlife sanctuary

22. Took your SLR on a trip and brought back pictures that speak a million words, and of course shared them on social media

23. You finally went camping and experienced the open wilderness

24. You wasted at least one long weekend where you could have traveled and just lazed at home instead

25. Stole something to keep as a souvenir from one of your trips (your secret will be safe with us!)

26. Travelled to volunteer at a farm, a school or a rehabilitation site

27. Fell hopelessly in love with a stranger at a coffee shop!

28. Took your pet on holiday with you

29. Missed a flight or a train

Image Source:

30. Went skinny dipping

31. Attended a destination wedding

Well, even if you attempted some of them, kudos to you! And for the ones left, put them on your to-do list for the coming year. And with that list of the unchecked adventures, shall we step in to 2015? A new year, 365 new days to plan new adventures and trips!

In case, you did something out-of-the-box on your travels do let us know, so that our readers can add that to their to-do list for the coming year.

From CA to advertising to writing, life has been a true roller-coaster ride. Not that I mind it. When not figuring out how to earn money to finance the travel, coffee and books, I am day-dreaming the travel, the coffee smell and virtually sniffing through new released books.

