“Might be out for dinner.You can either come join us or let yourself into the house. Will leave the key under the door.”
I looked at the sms again. Let’s now go back to the part where the story should have actually started.
It was a dark, stormy night. Stormy because I hadn’t had any dinner and my stomach was letting out small roars, like a lion cub does, to convey its feelings on the matter. And dark, for my bedroom light had just gone off, and I quote ‘thwack’. It was my first time on the couchsurfing website a forum that lets people from different cities and countries connect, bond and hopefully stay with each other while travelling.
People insisted it was foolhardy for me to choose Goa for a solo trip. The way I saw it, I had always had the most holiday fun in Goa, so if I couldn’t enjoy being alone there, chances are I wouldn’t be much happier anywhere else. So I searched for some hosts in Goa and stopped at Karen’s profile.
Historically speaking, she had finished college, even before I was born. But as opposed to the rest of the people’s pictures sitting pretty on the page, she was neck deep in a marsh, only her face sticking out and looking bewildered. She had to be fun. So I inboxed her asking if I could stay over for a few days, and then gulped the remaining dregs of my tea. It felt like the right gesture at the moment, gulping the dregs. One must always be manly at difficult times like these. Julius Caeser must have done the same when he stood at the river Rubicon and screamed ‘Alea jacta est’!
She agreed to have me over at her place. Ten days later, I was standing at Delhi airport and reading that message you saw at the top. Leave the key under the door? Was she for real? She did not know anything about me except for the stuff she read on my profile. I replied saying that I would prefer going to her house, since it would be easier to steal all her stuff while she wasn’t there. As a post script, I added that dinner sounded lovely.
There are actually people in India who let absolute strangers enter and stay in their house even if they aren’t there themselves? Was this actually a woman, or was I falling into some kind of trap where I’d have four men jump on me the moment I landed in that Baga house, and send a crisp ransom note to my family in Kerala? A caring friend sent me a small two minute clip of Dil Chahta Hai, where a pretty girl called Christine robs Saif Ali Khan off everything, leaving him only in his boxers.
I am not very sure if my father would pay to have me back.
Four hours later, when I landed at the Goa airport, she called me up and said that she was going off to sleep and that I would find the house key under the mat. She also added that early next morning she was leaving with sixty five street kids to a beach where they would learn recycling, and that I could either join them or chill at home. And if I chose the latter, I’d have to let the dog and cat out once every four hours. I replied declaring that she now had sixty six kids who would love to learn how to recycle.
A hundred thoughts were flying through my head while I was in the flight. Her level of trust in a rank stranger astounded me. As a country, are we that secure? It also made me wonder if so many of us had actually become cynics. The simplicity of it all made it all complex in my head.
I never saw Karen that night. She was fast asleep when Oksana (a Russian traveler staying in her house) opened the door for me, and grunted when we walked into her room to see the bathroom.
Her house was lovely though, plastered orange and yellow all over, cushions galore, and lots of pictures. I stopped to stare at a black and white picture taken years back. As a twenty year old, she had been awfully pretty.
The dog seemed no different from her master. Without as much as a formal introduction, she leapt onto me and demanded I tickle her ears. Not that Karen ever asked me to tickle her ears, that would be very disconcerting, but we are talking about the act of instantly opening up to people. When I dumped myself onto my mattress, Shinzy (and henceforth we are going to call the doggy by her name) kept her paw on my stomach and looked inquiringly. “Lucky day girl, we seem to have hit it so well that we are even going to sleep together on our first date,” I told her. She lay there besides me for a couple of hours, smelling distinctly doggy-like. Thank heavens for blocked noses.
The next morning I saw Karen. Her entry wasn’t exactly likes the ones we see in the movies, no breeze or flying hair, no lilting music. She came out of her room, bustling with enthusiasm, full of beans ready to take on the world and a new day. When she saw me, she smiled broadly and we hugged, lightly. Within moments she was telling me all, about the website and her experiences with hosting other travellers, about her work with the gully kids, about the cancer that she had had and conquered. A few kids soon came running into the house, and she scolded them just like school teachers always do. Soon we were all carrying large boxes to the bus that would take us all to Benaulim beach, and even while we walked she kept talking. When we were back in the evening, the door was open and there was a new person cooking inside. When I looked puzzled, she laughed and told me that there were over fifteen people in Goa who had a key to her house.
Earlier, I had gone for a bath and loved the bathroom. All over the wall tiles, couchsurfers had used sketch pens to scribble musings, quotes and jokes. Some even wrote testimonials for her. A full length mirror near the shower just added to the vibe, not to mention that it made me jump in consternation at the sight of myself when I turned on the shower.
Over the four days that I lived in Goa, I have very fond memories. But the ease with which Karen let me and a hundred other people enter her house and world is a pleasant puzzle I am yet to figure out.
Nice ! I recommend this Mode Alone,Couples, Families “live With Goans, eat laugh and pray with them. (Over the much hyped tourism properties) It’s the ONLY way to experience GOA …. its not a “state”. Its a “State of Mind”
- A Goan .
Well, neutrally speaking, not everyone likes to mingle. A lot of people like to spend their holidays doing their own thing with families and friends. Being touristy works for some people, just like offbeat travel works for others.
But yes, I agree, seeing a place through a local’s eyes gives a totally different perspective.
Gracias, senorita Costa!
Im yet to utlize Couchsurfer. My apprehensions were/are similar to what you faced (considering Saif’s run-in with Christine). Going off-topic, I would like to ask if by availing Couchsurfer facility, do you have to offer your own home for adoption to couch surfer. Im not sure my wife, mother-in-law and 10 month old daughter would take it sportingly
Btw Nice post. I always enjoy your style of story-telling.
Hey there Prashanth - Well according to their website’s rules, you really don’t have to offer your own home to others, even if you are interested in being hosted by others. It totally depends on the individual’s comfort levels.
At the same time, I am not endorsing their website. Like everywhere else, it has its share of good and bad people and it is up to the user to be able to make a correct judgement.
As for your family, well if you are ‘hellbent’ on couchsurfing, maybe we can give them a separate WeAreHolidays vacation package at the same time. You happy, they happy, we happy
Ah.. look at you hardselling WAH
Thanks for the info on couchsurfing though. And no I wont be couchsurfing with my family anywhere, it’s just for me and couple of my travel buddies that I was enquiring about. I was just curious.
Well, no one ever accused me of not being aggressively loyal, and WAH is one of my loves. As for Couchsurfing, well you really won’t know until you try it out yourself eh? Go for it!
Well, I too went inside your traveling memory journey to Goa, it was really a superb post. The way she has scribbled in the bathroom is something really different and like trying to say anything.
Travel could be nerve-racking for any individual.
If you are not prepared to face the challenges that may come up while on a trip, then it is highly dubious which
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Even so, there are many techniques which can be used to
create your traveling experience, a lot more acceptable.