Travelling with kids is a special task, more so with toddlers. They are always hungry and always loud. But that doesn’t mean you have to leave your kids behind with relatives or friends. Traveling with kids is also a highly enriching experience. Having kids on vacation can and will be difficult at times, but it’s(…)
Travel to Make Friends – How to make friends while traveling solo
One of my favorite reasons to travel, solo or otherwise, is to meet new people, make new friends, share experiences; after all, there’s only the whole world left to meet! Now fact is, you end up meeting more people when you’re travelling alone, you can be a different person everyday with absolutely no baggage at(…)
Drive to Discover- Make your Own Road to a Unique Travel Experience
When I was 11 months old, my parents took me on a road trip from Bangalore to Delhi. A lot of people would consider that crazy -2 kids over such a long distance and that too back in the 80’s when there was little or no technology. I asked my Mom how she managed; she(…)
Jungle Jungle Phool Khila Hai: WeAreHolidays Goes on a Holiday
Corporate offsites are important. How would you otherwise know that your grumpy colleague can drink like a fish or that shy bespectacled girl is er…not really shy? How would you otherwise convince your boss to believe that he announced a 50% raise to everybody when he was drunk the previous night? Before I begin(…)
Best Travel Apps While on the Road
God bless technology, we now have more travel apps available in mobiles and cars than the number of traffic signals we encounter on our journey! When you are on the road, there are a hundred emergencies – sometimes you wanna take a leak, at times your car needs petrol; there’s a change of plan and(…)
My Chance Encounter with Jan Koum, Founder & CEO, WhatsApp

Last year roughly around this time, I got a chance to interact with Jan Koum. Now seems to be a good time to re-collect those 60 minutes. I had almost given up on the visit since my visa application had gone in at the very last minute and the 10 other Co-Founders from different start-ups(…)
Are you a Nineties Child?
Did you grow up in the nineties? The nineties was a good time to have lived in. Internet had just been invented, but of course we didn’t have email accounts then. Orkut and Facebook were nowhere near being born. One had limited access to television. A romantic movie meant Shahrukh Khan. Sundays mornings began with(…)
Events That Changed Our World Since the Start of the Second Millennium
We are well into the New Year now. 2014 might prove to be an eventful year, it might be dull. The last 13 years have been historic. There have been events that have changed the course of history, that have changed the way we communicate, that have made life vastly different from what it was(…)
From Calcutta Slums to Australian Harbour: An Incredible Tale of Hope
This is the kind of stuff old Bollywood movies are made of. An innocent child separated from family, left to wander on the streets, transported to another continent, reunited three decades later. For Saroo Brierley, it was no movie. It was a struggle for identity. A painstaking process that relied heavily on hazy memories and(…)
Five Weird Festivals You Must Attend Once in Your Lifetime

What’s your favourite part of a festival? The sweets? The gifts? The lights? What else? Where’s the crazy fun part? Like when you fill balloons with coloured water and throw it at random people on Holi. Or dress up as Catwoman on Halloween? Here are some other wild and wacky festivals around the globe that(…)
Why is Flat Fee Such a Big Deal?

It’s pretty surprising how different sets of people react to the pricing model we follow. While most customers who are just about discovering the intricacies of their holiday find themselves a little overwhelmed by the barrage of different price points while others who’ve been struggling to decipher why their holiday costs them as much as(…)
Planning is in the Details

I talked of Holiday Planning and how it tends to get fused into Booking every time you go out and *buy* a holiday package. So let’s talk about what holiday planning really gives you. Since I’ll be talking a lot about a Holiday Itinerary, it is essential to first explain what it is and what(…)
Holiday Planning - What Did You Say?

“There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order, this(…)
Travel to Heal Your Broken Heart

I wanna know what it means to be free And I just want to know What it is to let go… I’m on up to the land above me Dust in my hair and dust on my shoes (…)
Delhi Unravelled – Five Days Five Ways
Delhi is a city of polarities. It is as much modern as it is ancient. It is as much a child as it is a withering old man. No, not an old man—it is a grand old dame, one who has seen much splendour in her salad days, one who has had lovers flock to(…)
Weirdest Places to Get Married

The terms of marriage are changing, and so are the venues. An ordinary temple, church, or banquet hall wedding is so passé. Your parents, their parents and their parents did the same. Will you be that boring? Hell, if you are allowing yourself to choose a life partner, you should definitely choose your own wedding(…)
The Romance of Travel – How to Travel without Gadgets
You are used to checking your phone every 5 minutes? You can’t live without scrolling the home page of your Facebook page ten times a day. And even when you travel, you steal in moments to check every social networking site you are on. Make an online check-in to let your friends know you are(…)