Bag2go –The Sherlock Holmes for Your Missing Luggage
By Alisha On 14 Jun, 2013 At 04:30 PM | Categorized As Buzz in Town, Getting Around, International, The Business of Travel, Travel Tech | With 0 Comments
Ever had your luggage go missing at the airport? Do you often wonder whether the space behind the conveyor belt is actually a Black hole where your luggage disappears never to return back? Or imagine arriving to your destination with your luggage shipped away to some different continent! It’s the ultimate nightmare for any traveler.

lost your luggage huh?

The recent infographics released by the company, outline a number of reasons why bags are commonly lost. It could be because of mistaken identity, having the tag miss a connecting flight or being late to the check-in and therefore your bag never making it under the plan. If you don’t have any contact information on the bag and it does go missing, the Lost and Found Department of your local airport has no way to get in contact with you to return it.

Fortunately, Airbus has now come to your rescue! The aircraft manufacturer along with T-Systems, a telecommunication company and RIMOWA, a suitcase manufacturer has helped develop a technology that could make the problem of missing luggage a thing of the past.

Bag2go is the latest prototype technology which entails embedding a satellite tracker and a bar code display onto the suitcase. The passengers will be able to buy the bags or even rent them. A business model will also be available which would enable bags to travel independently from the holidaymaker’s home to the hotel.

Bag2go, a new way of travelling

All you would need to do is send the details of your flight to the airline which in turn sends back a bar code which is shown on the display unit of the case.  Each bar code is unique and carries the details of the traveler, flight and the destination.

The embedded bar code has multiple advantages. Not only will it make tracking the missing luggage easier but also alert you in case somebody tries to tamper with it. More over, the passenger can keep a track of his luggage with the help of a mobile phone application.

Could it get any better? I don’t think so! This is undoubtedly the best thing that could happen to any traveler. Enjoying your holiday without having to worry about the safety of your luggage, sounds like a dream come true! Doesn’t it?

About - Alisha Yadav has spent years studying French at Alliance Francaise de Delhi and also teaching privately. Finally realizing that there are many more countries on the world atlas other than just France, she decided to broaden her horizon and spend her summer holidays writing about those new places.

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