Sphinx’s Restoration Work is over, Courtyard Soon to Open to Public
By Deepti Ahuja Balani On 13 Nov, 2014 At 10:37 AM | Categorized As Getting Around, Need to Know | With 0 Comments
Following a lull in tourist activity in the past few years, Egypt is set to reopen the courtyard surrounding the Great Sphinx of Giza. The courtyard was sealed to the public in 2010, when cracks were discovered on its northern side, due to erosion caused by wind and moisture. Archaeologists took four long years in their restoration job, and saved the monument by replacing the limestone slabs on the left side of the statue, along with refurbishing the monolith’s neck and chest by providing it a new coating. This would save the colossal monument from further damage, explained the authorities.

Though, the authorities have yet not confirmed a firm date, when they would reopen, but they said that the tourists would be able to walk around the Great Sphinx and experience it up close, when they do. Egypt is expecting large crowds to return to this largely visited and highly popular monument, which makes it imperative for archaeologists to maintain and restore it from time to time. This 4,500 years old monument has attracted millions of tourists from across the world for ages, but the recent distress and turmoil in the country has lead to a setback in tourism. The Foreign Office has advised against travelling to parts of Egypt, for past few years, but hopefully this reopening of the Sphinx Courtyard would bring some respite, and give tourists a much needed reason to visit Egypt.

About - People professionally know me as a copy editor, correspondent and a writer, but writing is something I do even when I am not professionally engaged. I like to visit new places, explore, experience different cultures and share my perspective through words. Writing for food, travel and books is something that comes naturally, and is close to my heart.

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