The map shows a network of red and blue lines with arrows; while the arrows indicate the direction in which the train is travelling, a red line represents a running train which is delayed by more than 15 minutes and the blue is for those running on time. To find out where your train is, you can enter the train name or its number in the search box on the left and the app will spot it for you. You can also find trains by searching for the name of the station.
“With the launch of RailRadar, we are offering information in an entirely new way about train movement, which is, perhaps, the first for any major railway system in the world,” said Sunil Bajpai, General Manager, CRIS. “Over the last decade, train network and traffic in India have grown tremendously. We are also very sure that this trend will continue over the next few decades. As railway travellers too, today we also want to know more – beyond just an ETA of a train at a station. We believe that value of information can greatly be enhanced when presented graphically rather than just plain text,” the website also declares.